I D i

IPS Vial R D i projects

e-Miles electric car

e-Miles is presented as an innovative, inclusive and sustainable mobility solution. It is an expandable quadricycle, which is accessed from the front to facilitate access for people with reduced mobility and whose parts are made in 3D printing. IPS Vial collaborates with The e-Miles Company in the implementation of the e-Miles electric car prototype in different urban areas.

Inca RECON project

The InCa Recon project has been co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) with the aim of promoting technological development, innovation and quality research. File identification number: IDI-20190219
The InCa Recon project has as its general objective the creation of an autonomous tool for the identification of traffic signs and informative signs for efficient inventory and maintenance applications and new value-added services. The main challenge facing the InCa Recon project is the creation of a set of hybrid algorithms based on different deep learning and image processing techniques to respond to the proposed objective. This set of algorithms will constitute a complete technological solution for the recognition of traffic signs and direction signs, currently not available on the market or in the scientific literature.


The Apparcco project has been co-financed by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities within the State Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation, in the 2017 Challenges-Collaboration call. File identification number: RTC-2017-6555-4
The APPARCCO project was born with the aim of generating a platform that implements a dynamic pricing policy for parking, considering the state of pollution and traffic in the different areas and developing a space monitoring system that meets the necessary cost and precision requirements. for the definitive takeoff of this market. APPARCCO will reduce emissions and congestion in cities through a dynamic surface parking price policy, which will be informed to users before the start of their journey through an app, integrated into a sustainable parking platform, which will generate accurate information of occupancy through a radio frequency system, it will incorporate air quality and traffic data, estimate future occupancy and quantify the benefits obtained through business intelligence tools.
Proyecto ALL IN ONE
The All In One project has been co-financed by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness within the state program of R D i call for Challenges-Collaboration 2016. File identification number: RTC-2016-5479-4
All-in-One has developed an integrated, low cost and extensive information traffic monitoring platform. This platform includes a vehicle counting radar and a Bluetooth identifier based on an innovative hardware and software integration architecture. The data offered by this new traffic sensor will generate a new level of traffic information by providing joint counting and vehicle identification measures that provide, among other things, absolute origin-destination (OD) matrices and weighted travel times. This represents a very significant advance because a traffic manager will not only know, for example, what is the percentage of vehicles that will arrive at a point in the network at a certain time (traditional OD matrix) but also their exact number (absolute OD matrix). . Thus, the new information available will be used and presented on GIS systems such as InCa that will represent it geo-spatially, also having advanced visual tools to achieve the highest level of expressiveness of its contents.

Urbanet project

The Urbanet project has been co-financed by the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism, within the National Plan for Scientific Research, Development and Technological Innovation 2008-2011. File identification no.: TSI-020100-2011-122
New paragraph URBANET: Integration of Information and Communication Technologies in the processes of Public Administrations for the maintenance of urban infrastructures. The objective of the project consists of the feasibility study of a technological solution based on tablets and cloud computing to improve the efficiency in the processes of the Public Administrations for the management of urban elements. The objective is structured into the following main objectives: Study of the capabilities of tablet devices for use as a field tool, and differentiation from other mobile devices. Study of the processes of the Public Administrations and their adaptation for the use of tablets in field work. Study of the possibilities of cloud computing and its use in a tablet-based solution for carrying out field work. Study of the possibilities of commercialization of solutions based on tablets for field work. Implementation of a software tool on a tablet, for a real field work use case. As a general result, it is expected to lay the foundations for the development and commercialization of software tools for tablet devices, which allow improving the processes of the Public Administrations related to the management of urban elements: Directly computerizing the information generated in the field Avoiding errors in the transcription Saving staff time Reducing the cost of paper Speeding up the updating of information in computer systems

Project Accident0

The Accident0 project is part of the aid for carrying out projects and actions of the Strategic Action for Telecommunications and the Information Society, co-financed by the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce, within the National Plan for Scientific Research, Development and Technological Innovation 2008-2011. File identification no.: TSI-020100-2009-735
ACCIDENT0 forms an Accident Cause Extraction Tool (HECA), which allows obtaining precise accident rate models based on historical records and that includes: • Identification of the relevant variables in the accident rate • Identification of the complex (non-linear) interactions between said variables. • Inversion of the model, that is, determination of the set of variables that represent the main objectives for reducing accidents, taking into account the complex relationships between them. We start from historical accident data, obtained according to the form published in BOE. We have more than 9,000 records and 82 different fields, which collect information on the road, environmental conditions, the circumstances of the accident, its severity and human factors that could intervene. The variety of data types makes it extremely difficult to process them. Accident0 is integrated as a module in InCa together with a set of tools for the creation of thematic maps, statistical queries, etc.

HECA application

The HECA application is an Accident Cause Extraction Tool that allows obtaining precise accident rate models based on historical records.

HECA Descriptive Analysis

They are basic statistical analyzes of the totality of the data or of filtered sets thereof: bar graphs and joint distribution of variables.


It makes it possible to detect problems that in most cases could be solved by applying some type of control measure: increased security measures, modification of the layout of some road, performance of breathalyzer controls, etc. A simple example is that of alcohol: according to the data analysed, Saturday and Sunday are overrepresented with respect to accidents with the presence of alcohol. Many other analyzes are possible with this intuitive and powerful tool.

Maximum Gain

Given the overrepresentation of a risk factor, it is worth asking what would be the maximum number of accidents that could be reduced if a control measure were applied to avoid it. Said number is called the maximum gain, and allows a cost/benefit analysis of the design of the countermeasures to be applied to reduce the factor.

Spatial Clustering

The variables involved in a traffic accident have a spatial correlation that allows to classify the road sections according to profiles of said variables. For example, on certain roads accidents tend to be concentrated first thing in the morning and during the afternoon, corresponding to the daily flows of people going to and from work, while in other areas accidents tend to be concentrated during the early hours of weekends. The innovative technique of spatial grouping included in HECA makes it possible to analyze locally, ie in road sections, the occurrence of certain variables related to accidents. Each of the road sections considered is subsequently classified according to a typical accident rate profile.

Correspondence Analysis

Correspondence analysis performs a 2D representation of the different values that two variables can have, in such a way that it allows discovering relationships between the categories of the analyzed variables. For example, we can find a relationship between the injury variable (harmed, mild, serious, dead) and the road type variable.


All of InCa's statistical tools allow georeferencing of each of the existing accidents in the database. This potential of InCa allows the development of complex thematic maps based on the filters selected by the user.

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