Automatic verification of the correctness of the directional routes of panels in the city
New route routing design tool
Hierarchical identification neural network
code signs and urban informative signs
Automatic AI detection of damage to signs and billboards
All the results can be consulted graphically from the GIS InCa
Visualization of matrices Origin Destination
Combined graphic and alphanumeric display
Dynamic data filters
HECA application
The HECA application is an Accident Cause Extraction Tool that allows obtaining precise accident rate models based on historical records.
HECA Descriptive Analysis
They are basic statistical analyzes of the totality of the data or of filtered sets thereof: bar graphs and joint distribution of variables.
It makes it possible to detect problems that in most cases could be solved by applying some type of control measure: increased security measures, modification of the layout of some road, performance of breathalyzer controls, etc. A simple example is that of alcohol: according to the data analysed, Saturday and Sunday are overrepresented with respect to accidents with the presence of alcohol. Many other analyzes are possible with this intuitive and powerful tool.
Maximum Gain
Given the overrepresentation of a risk factor, it is worth asking what would be the maximum number of accidents that could be reduced if a control measure were applied to avoid it. Said number is called the maximum gain, and allows a cost/benefit analysis of the design of the countermeasures to be applied to reduce the factor.
Spatial Clustering
The variables involved in a traffic accident have a spatial correlation that allows to classify the road sections according to profiles of said variables. For example, on certain roads accidents tend to be concentrated first thing in the morning and during the afternoon, corresponding to the daily flows of people going to and from work, while in other areas accidents tend to be concentrated during the early hours of weekends. The innovative technique of spatial grouping included in HECA makes it possible to analyze locally, ie in road sections, the occurrence of certain variables related to accidents. Each of the road sections considered is subsequently classified according to a typical accident rate profile.
Correspondence Analysis
Correspondence analysis performs a 2D representation of the different values that two variables can have, in such a way that it allows discovering relationships between the categories of the analyzed variables. For example, we can find a relationship between the injury variable (harmed, mild, serious, dead) and the road type variable.
All of InCa's statistical tools allow georeferencing of each of the existing accidents in the database. This potential of InCa allows the development of complex thematic maps based on the filters selected by the user.
Inventories and Road Signage Projects sl
Avenida de las Águilas 2 b, floor 3, office 3
28044 - Madrid
34 91 526 31 99 | |